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Pro - Categories


Explanation buttons:

Favourites All lists set as favourite.
Themes All lists compiled for a theme such as Brown Café, Dinner Restaurant, Hit Lists, Holidays, etc.
Own lists All own lists that you have saved.
All playlists All available genre lists.


If you click on a list, it will be loaded directly into the playlist.

If you want to play several lists simultaneously, choose the next list you want to hear and press "add" in the pop-up screen.

TIP 1: By dragging a list or your own list onto the search list, the contents of this list will appear in alphabetical order. This way you can quickly see which songs are in a list.

TIP 2To delete a song from a custom list, load the custom list into an empty playlist. Select the song you want to delete. Press the Playlist - Remove track button. You will then be asked whether you want to delete the song from the playlist or from the system. Press the "Delete from playlist" button. Then you need to save the list again. Press the Save playlist button. You will then be asked whether you want to replace the contents of an existing own list or whether you want to create a new own list. Press the "Replace" button and select the relevant list.

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